The Director Marketing & Business Development for eHosting DataFort, Sachin Bhardwaj shares his thoughts about how Internet of Things will become the driving force for the growth of cloud and managed services in region.Read More…

eHosting DataFort today announced its partnership with IL&FS Securities Services Ltd (ISSL), to provide innovative Managed Services covering IT infrastructure, Remote Disaster Recovery and back office operations support for financial brokerage firms operating within UAE’s financial exchanges.Read More…

Madar Holding, the international arm of the building materials business of Saudi-based Al Fozan Group, announced it has registered significant reduction in IT operational costs over a period of 11 months through leveraging eHosting DataFort (eHDF)’s managed IT services. eHosting DataFort provides Madar Holding with a secure data centre environment to host critical business applications including their ERP systems, communications and security infrastructure. As one of its initial outcomes, eHosting DataFort successfully migrated Madar’s IT infrastructure to a centralised environment from a formerly fragmented model.Read More…